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Exploring Diversity and Dialogue: Highlights from the American Academy Of Religion 2016 Conference

Exploring Diversity and Dialogue: Highlights from the American Academy Of Religion 2016 Conference

The American Academy of Religion (AAR) is one of the biggest yearly gatherings of scholars in the field of religious studies. It takes place in different cities in the United States and attracts thousands of participants from all over the world. This year, the AAR 2016 will take place in San Antonio, Texas, from November 19 to 22. Here are some reasons why you shouldn't miss it:

Are you curious about the most recent trends in religious studies? The AAR 2016 has more than 900 sessions, panels, and workshops that cover diverse topics on religion and spirituality. Whether you are interested in the intersection of religion and politics, the history of contemplation practices, or the study of new religious movements, there will be sessions that fit your interests.

Are you looking to expand your academic network? Attending the AAR 2016 gives you the chance to meet scholars from all over the world who share your passion for religion and spirituality. You can exchange ideas, learn about their research projects, and even find potential collaborators for future studies.

Do you want to enhance your pedagogical skills? The AAR 2016 offers several sessions that focus on teaching strategies and innovations in religious studies. You can learn how to incorporate multimedia technologies, create more inclusive syllabi, and engage students in critical thinking about religion and its role in contemporary society.

Are you seeking inspiration for your own research? The AAR 2016 hosts renowned scholars in the field of religious studies who deliver plenary speeches on cutting-edge topics. This year's plenary speakers include award-winning authors and public intellectuals whose talks promise to challenge and stimulate your intellectual curiosity.

Are you a fan of cultural events? The AAR 2016 does not only offer academic sessions but also cultural events that showcase the diversity of San Antonio's arts and culture scene. You can participate in musical performances, film screenings, and art exhibitions that relate to religious themes and perspectives.

Do you want to broaden your perspectives on religion and its role in the world? The AAR 2016 has a book exhibit that showcases hundreds of publishers and authors who produce scholarly books on religion, spirituality, and related topics. You can browse the latest titles, meet the authors, and even get discounts on selected books.

Are you concerned about social justice and activism? The AAR 2016 has sessions that address critical issues in the realm of religion and social justice, such as racism, gender inequality, LGBTQ rights, and environmental ethics. You can learn from experts who use their scholarship to advocate for marginalized and vulnerable communities.

Are you looking for opportunities to present your own research? The AAR 2016 accepts proposals for papers, panels, and roundtables until March 1, 2016. You can submit your own proposal and join the ranks of scholars who contribute to the advancement of religious studies.

Are you worried about your budget? The AAR 2016 has several options for registration fees, depending on your status as a student, an independent scholar, or a member of the AAR. You can also apply for travel grants and scholarships that cover the expenses of attending the conference.

Are you ready to experience the joy of learning and networking? The AAR 2016 promises to be a worthwhile investment of your time, energy, and resources. By attending this conference, you not only gain knowledge and skills but also become part of a vibrant community of scholars who strive to understand and appreciate the complexity of religious diversity and dynamics.

The American Academy of Religion (AAR) is one of the leading organizations in the world for the study of religion. Every year, the AAR organizes a conference that attracts thousands of scholars, educators, and religious leaders from around the globe. This year's conference, held in San Antonio, Texas, was no exception.


One of the highlights of this year's conference was the keynote address by Dr. Mona Siddiqui, a leading scholar of Islamic studies and interfaith relations. Her talk, Religion, Ethics, and Public Life, explored the role of religion in the public sphere and emphasized the importance of collaboration and dialogue between different faiths and cultural traditions.

Another notable event was the panel discussion on Religious Pluralism and the Challenges of Social Justice. Panelists discussed the ways in which religious diversity can enrich society and facilitate social justice, as well as the challenges and tensions that arise when different religious and cultural groups come into contact with one another.


One of the recurring themes throughout the conference was the importance of interdisciplinary approaches to the study of religion. Many scholars emphasized the need to draw on insights from sociology, psychology, anthropology, and other fields in order to understand the complex dynamics of religious phenomena.

Another theme was the role of religion in the public sphere, particularly in the wake of recent political developments such as the U.S. presidential election and the rise of populist movements in various parts of the world. Scholars discussed the potential impact of such developments on religious minorities, as well as the strategies they might employ to navigate these challenging times.

New Research

As always, there were numerous presentations on new and cutting-edge research in various fields related to religion. For example, some scholars presented on the role of religion in shaping attitudes towards the environment, while others explored the intersection of religion and politics in different parts of the world.

One particularly interesting presentation used text mining techniques to analyze the use of religious language in presidential debates over the past several decades. The results revealed significant changes in the way that candidates have invoked religious themes and values over time, a finding that sparked lively discussion among conference attendees.


One of the key benefits of attending the AAR conference is the opportunity to network with fellow scholars and practitioners from around the world. This year's conference offered numerous networking opportunities, including receptions, roundtable discussions, and special interest group meetings.

Many attendees noted the value of these interactions in terms of building professional connections, exchanging ideas, and gaining new perspectives on their work.


The American Academy of Religion 2016 conference was a rich and rewarding experience for all who attended. From thought-provoking keynote speeches and panel discussions to cutting-edge research presentations and valuable networking opportunities, the conference offered a wealth of insights and perspectives on the study of religion.

As the field continues to evolve and grow, the AAR conference remains an essential gathering place for those who are passionate about exploring the many facets of religious experience and expression.

Comparison of American Academy of Religion 2016: A Comprehensive Review


The American Academy of Religion (AAR) is one of the largest and most prestigious organizations bringing together scholars in the field of religion. Held annually, the AAR conference provides an opportunity for participants to share their research, network with others, and learn about new developments in the field. The conference is held in different cities in North America each year, thus expanding the scope and visibility of the organization. This year, the conference was held in San Antonio, Texas, from November 19-22, 2016.


This year’s conference was attended by more than 10,000 delegates from across the globe, including professionals, students, scholars, and researchers. The large attendance was a testimony to the growing interest in the study and scholarship of religion. A wide range of fields of study related to religion was represented at the conference, including ethics, philosophy, theology, history, anthropology, sociology, literature, and art.

Keynote Speakers:

One of the highlights of the conference was the keynote speakers, who are leading scholars in the field of religion. Among them were four renowned scholars including Dr. Vanessa Ochs, Rabbi Sandy Sasso, Dr. Tod Bolsinger, and Dr. LuisLeón.Dr. Vanessa Ochs is a professor in the department of religious studies at the University of Virginia. Her work focuses on the study of Judaism, rituals, and material culture. Her keynote address at the conference was titled, Dreaming America: Jewish Immigrants and the American DreamRabbi Sandy Sasso is a writer, spiritual leader, and director of the religion, spirituality, and the arts program at the Butler University. In her keynote address, titled Stories, Rituals, and Ideas in Religious Education, she spoke about the importance of faith and spirituality in education.Dr. Tod Bolsinger is a vice president and chief of leadership formation at Fuller Theological Seminary. In his keynote address, titled Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory, he explored the concept of adaptive leadership in a rapidly changing world.Dr. LuisLeón is the rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Washington D.C. In his keynote address, titled A Call to Liberation in Today’s America, he discussed the role of religion in fostering social justice and promoting human dignity.

Presentation and Sessions:

The conference featured a diverse range of presentations and sessions, including academic papers, panel discussions, workshops, poster sessions, and plenary sessions. The conference had more than 1,000 sessions, covering a wide range of topics from biblical studies to contemporary religious issues. The sessions provided a platform for scholars to present their research and engage in critical discussions with their peers.

Table Comparison of Presentation and Sessions

Presentation/Sessions Description Keywords
Academic Papers Oral or written presentation of original research on various fields studying religion original research, different fields
Panel discussions Discussion of a specific topic related to the study of religion by a group of experts specific issues related to religion
Workshops Interactive sessions that engage participants in hands-on activities such as group work, brainstorming and so on that aim to advance participant's skills or knowledge hands-on activities, advancing skills, advancing knowledge
Poster sessions Presentation of the research through a visual means such as graphs or charts accompanied with a short oral presentation Visual presentations, tables, charts, graphs
Plenary sessions Large-scale sessions featuring individuals addressing a large audience large audience, keynote speakers


The AAR conference is an excellent forum for scholars to expand their knowledge and share their ideas on religion. The diversity of topics covered in the conference is a testament to the vast and interdisciplinary scope of religion. The keynote speakers delivered powerful and insightful talks that engaged the audience and advanced the understanding of critical religious concepts. The conference sessions provided ample opportunities for networking and learning from fellow scholars in the field. In this regard, the conference was a great success, and it holds out hope for leading to further discussions and reflections about religion in the coming year.

A Beginner's Guide to Attending the American Academy of Religion 2016


The American Academy of Religion (AAR) is a widely recognized organization that fosters the academic exploration of religion. Each year it hosts an Annual Meeting where attendees can take part in sessions, workshops, and panels related to the study of religion. The AAR Annual Meeting is an excellent opportunity for students, academics, and professionals in the field to learn about and discuss cutting-edge research and network with like-minded peers. If you're attending the AAR for the first time in 2016, here's what to expect and how to make the most of your experience.

Plan ahead

Make sure you plan your schedule in advance. The AAR program is extensive, and you want to have a clear idea of which talks and panels you want to attend before you arrive. You can check out the full program on the AAR website ahead of time and use their interactive tool to create a personalized schedule. Remember that some sessions may overlap, so prioritize what topics are most important to you.

Connect with others

The AAR Annual Meeting attracts academics and students from all over the world, so it's an excellent opportunity to connect with those in your field. Make sure you take advantage of networking events and receptions to meet new people, exchange business cards, and discuss new ideas. You can also use social media platforms like Twitter to connect with other attendees and follow along with what's happening at the conference.

Try something new

The AAR is known for its diverse range of topics and research areas, so don't be afraid to attend sessions outside of your usual area of interest. Exploring different aspects of religion can provide new insights into your own research, and attending sessions outside your comfort zone can also broaden your perspectives and help you connect with new people.

Attend plenary sessions

The AAR Annual Meeting hosts several high-profile speakers in the field of religion. Attending plenary sessions is a great way to engage with renowned scholars, learn about new concepts and approaches to religious studies, and hear about the latest research findings. Check the program ahead of time to see who will be speaking, and ensure you attend the presentations that align with your interests.

Stay active on social media

Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with other attendees at the conference. Many scholars tweet during sessions with unique insights or quotes, so following along on Twitter can provide valuable takeaways without physically attending the session. You can also use your own social media presence to share out your own experiences and research with others at the conference.

Bring business cards

Attending the United States' largest gathering of scholars in religious studies provides ample opportunity to make professional connections that you will want to follow up on after the conference. Be sure to bring plenty of business cards that clearly convey your name and contact information. Handing your card to speakers, attendees, or publishing representatives is a quick and easy way to exchange information that could be very valuable in the long run.

Take snacks and water

The AAR meeting is an intense four-day event, and it can be challenging to find time to grab a bite to eat and stay hydrated. Make sure you take snacks that are easy to carry and keep you energized, as well as a refillable water bottle. This way, you won't have to leave sessions hungry or thirsty.

Attend book exhibit booths

One significant aspect of AAR meetings is the book exhibit hall, which offers the opportunity to browse new releases related to religion. Apart from discovering insightful books and meeting world-renowned authors, you can also find textbooks and study aids to help you in your academic pursuits.

Take notes

Writing down important insights and takeaways on talks or panels could be essential for a reference point in the future. There are numerous mobile apps available that allow you to take notes electronically, but a notepad and pen work just as well. You can use the notes to help you remember which sessions stood out or what topics were discussed and to help you stay organized when following up on connections after the conference.


Attending the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting is an incredible opportunity for scholars and students alike. The AAR Annual Meeting offers insight into new developments in religious studies while providing a platform to meet with researchers and academics across numerous fields. Make sure to plan ahead, connect with others, and have fun exploring all the conference has to offer in 2016.

A Recap of American Academy of Religion 2016: A Celebration of Diversity and Unity

The American Academy of Religion (AAR) is an annual event that brings together scholars from all over the world to celebrate religious diversity, promote interfaith dialogue, and share research on various aspects of religion. The AAR 2016 took place in San Antonio, Texas, from November 19th to 22nd and was attended by thousands of participants including students, professors, and religious leaders.

Each year, the AAR theme highlights critical issues related to religion and society. The theme for the 2016 conference was Revolutionary Love, which aimed to explore the ways in which religious traditions can inspire individuals and communities to embrace love as a transformative force for social change.

The conference featured numerous sessions, workshops, book exhibits, and keynote speeches that focused on topics related to the theme. The keynote speakers included renowned scholars, such as Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University, and Karen Armstrong, an author and scholar of religions who has written several books on comparative religion.

One of the highlights of the conference was the interfaith panel, which brought together leaders from different faith communities to discuss their experiences with revolutionary love. The panel included Rabbi Sharon Brous, founder of IKAR, a Los Angeles-based Jewish community center, Sister Simone Campbell, Executive Director of NETWORK, a social justice advocacy organization for Catholic nuns, and Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II, President of the North Carolina NAACP and pastor of the Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina.

The panelists shared their perspectives on how revolutionary love has inspired them to be active advocates for social justice in their communities. They spoke about the importance of building bridges between different faith traditions and working together to create a world that is more just, equitable, and compassionate.

Another notable session at the conference was the Women's Breakfast, which provided a space for women scholars to discuss their research, share their experiences, and network with their peers. The breakfast was led by noted feminist theologians, including Melissa Snarr, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Ethics and Society at Vanderbilt Divinity School, and Andrea Smith, Associate Professor of Media and Cultural Studies at the University of California, Riverside.

Participants also had the opportunity to attend numerous paper presentations, where scholars presented their research on topics ranging from the role of religion in refugee integration to the politics of sacred space in contemporary Jerusalem.

In addition to the academic sessions, attendees were able to explore the vibrant culture of San Antonio, which is known for its rich history, cuisine, and art. The city boasts numerous historic sites, including the Alamo and the Riverwalk, which are popular tourist attractions.

The conference provided an opportunity for attendees to gain new insights, engage in critical dialogue, and build lasting connections with colleagues from around the world.

In conclusion, the AAR 2016 was a celebration of diversity and unity, as scholars from a variety of disciplines and faith traditions came together to explore the transformative power of revolutionary love. Attendees left the conference inspired to continue their work towards creating a more just and equitable world, and committed to building bridges between different faith communities.

Thank you for visiting our blog and we hope to see you at future AAR conferences!

People Also Ask About American Academy of Religion 2016

What is American Academy of Religion 2016?

The American Academy of Religion (AAR) is an organization dedicated to promoting the academic study of religion. Its annual conference is one of the largest gatherings of scholars in the field, featuring presentations, panel discussions, and workshops on a wide range of topics related to religion.

Who attends the American Academy of Religion 2016 conference?

The conference is attended by scholars, students, and practitioners of religion from around the world. Attendees come from a variety of disciplines, including theology, sociology, anthropology, history, and philosophy. They may be affiliated with universities, seminaries, religious organizations, or research institutions.

What are some of the topics covered at the conference?

The conference covers a broad range of topics related to religion and spirituality, including:

  • Theology and Philosophy of Religion
  • Religious History and Culture
  • Comparative Religion
  • Religion and Society
  • Religion and Literature
  • Religion and Art
  • Religion and Politics
  • Religion and Science
  • Interfaith Dialogue

What are some of the highlights of the 2016 conference?

The 2016 conference featured several high-profile keynote speakers, including:

  1. Judy Grahn: Feminist poet and activist who spoke about the intersections of spirituality, feminism, and social justice.
  2. Kwok Pui Lan: Chinese Christian theologian who discussed the role of religion in promoting peace and justice in the world.
  3. Reza Aslan: Best-selling author and scholar of religion who spoke about the challenges of promoting interfaith dialogue in an increasingly polarized world.
The conference also featured hundreds of panel presentations on a wide range of topics, as well as workshops, roundtable discussions, and networking events.