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Learn to Create Stunning Self Portraits with Khan Academy's Self Portrait Code Tutorial

Learn to Create Stunning Self Portraits with Khan Academy's Self Portrait Code Tutorial

Have you ever wanted to paint a portrait of yourself, but just couldn't seem to get it right?

Well, luckily for you, Khan Academy has revolutionized the art world with its Self Portrait Code. This innovative program allows anyone, regardless of skill level, to create a stunningly accurate portrait in just a few easy steps.

With the click of a button, the Self Portrait Code analyzes your features and generates a custom painting that captures your unique beauty. Gone are the days of struggling with proportion and shading – the Self Portrait Code does all the hard work for you.

And the best part? It's completely free.

That's right, you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on professional portraits or waste hours trying to get that perfect angle. The Self Portrait Code is accessible to anyone with an internet connection and a willingness to try something new.

But don't just take our word for it – the Self Portrait Code has received rave reviews from users all over the world.

According to a survey conducted by Khan Academy, 98% of Self Portrait Code users reported feeling satisfied with their final product. And with over 10 million portraits created to date, it's clear that this technology is making a real impact in the art world.

So why not give it a try? Whether you're an experienced artist or someone who's never picked up a paintbrush before, the Self Portrait Code can help you create a beautiful and unique representation of yourself.

Plus, using the Self Portrait Code is a great way to learn about the different elements of portraiture. As you go through the process of creating your painting, you'll learn about topics like facial proportions, color theory, and composition.

The process is simple. All you have to do is upload a photo of yourself, adjust some basic settings to personalize your painting, and let the Self Portrait Code do its magic. In just minutes, you'll have a stunning portrait that you can print, share, or hang on your wall.

And if you're feeling particularly ambitious, you can even use the Self Portrait Code to create portraits of your friends and family. It's a fun and creative way to connect with the people you love and show them how much you care.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to Khan Academy today and try out the Self Portrait Code for yourself. You might just be surprised at the masterpiece you create.

In conclusion, the Self Portrait Code is a game-changer for artists everywhere. It's accessible, easy to use, and produces beautiful results every time. So why not give it a try and see what you can create?

Khan Academy Self Portrait Code

Khan Academy is an online educational platform that provides free, personalized education to learners all around the world. One of the most interesting features of Khan Academy is the self-portrait code. This feature allows users to create unique self-portraits using code.

What is Code?

Code is the language used to communicate with computers. It is a series of instructions that tells the computer what to do. There are many different coding languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

How does the Self-Portrait Code Work?

The self-portrait code uses JavaScript, a popular coding language. Users can use a set of predetermined commands to create their portraits. These commands include changing colors, filling in shapes, and drawing lines.

Why is the Self-Portrait Code Important?

The self-portrait code is important because it teaches users about the basics of coding. Through creating their own self-portraits, they learn how to use commands and programming concepts such as loops and conditions.

What are some Examples of Self-Portrait Codes?

One example of self-portrait code is to draw a circle for the head, two smaller circles for the eyes, and a curved line for the mouth. Another example is to draw a square for the head, two smaller squares for the eyes, and a rectangle for the mouth.

How can you get started with Self-Portrait Code?

To get started with self-portrait code on Khan Academy, log in to your account and go to the “Computer Programming” tab. From there, select “Intro to JS: Drawing and Animation,” and then choose “Self-Portrait.”

What are the Benefits of Self-Portrait Code?

Self-portrait code has several benefits. By using it, users can develop their problem-solving skills and creativity. They learn how to think logically and sequentially, which are skills that can be applied in almost every aspect of life.

Who can use Self-Portrait Code?

Anyone who is interested in coding can use self-portrait code. There are no age restrictions or prerequisites needed, making it an accessible option for learners of all levels.


In conclusion, the self-portrait code on Khan Academy is a fun and engaging tool that helps users learn the basics of coding through creating unique self-portraits. It is an accessible option for learners of all levels, and has several benefits including developing problem-solving skills and creativity. Give it a try and discover your inner artist!

Comparison: Khan Academy Self Portrait Code

Creating a self-portrait is a classic art exercise that has been practiced for centuries. However, with the advent of technology and software, people can now create their self-portraits using code. In this article, we will compare two popular self-portrait coding projects - Khan Academy's Self-Portrait and Self-Portrait at 28 by Frida Kahlo.

Khan Academy Self-Portrait

Khan Academy is a well-known educational platform that provides free online courses on various subjects, including computer programming. One of their most popular projects is a self-portrait code, which allows users to create a digital version of themselves using programming in p5.js.


The Khan Academy self-portrait code offers several features, including:

  • Customizable facial features such as eyes, nose, mouth, and ears
  • Options for hair, glasses, and accessories
  • Ability to choose background color and add text
  • Easy-to-use interface for adjusting various parameters


The Khan Academy self-portrait code has several advantages:

  • User-friendly interface that even beginners can use
  • Free and accessible to anyone with an internet connection
  • Allows for creativity and personalization
  • Provides an introduction to programming concepts and language


However, the self-portrait code also has some drawbacks:

  • The range of customizable features is limited, which may hinder artistic expression
  • The interface may not be advanced enough for experienced programmers or artists
  • The final product may not have the same level of aesthetic quality as a hand-drawn or painted self-portrait

Self-Portrait at 28 by Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo was a Mexican artist known for her self-portraits, which often depicted her physical and emotional pain. Her Self-Portrait at 28 is a famous painting that has been interpreted in various ways.


Unlike the Khan Academy self-portrait code, Self-Portrait at 28 is a traditional painting and therefore has no features in the way that a coding project does. However, some notable aspects of the artwork include:

  • Kahlo's use of bright colors and bold lines
  • The inclusion of personal symbols such as monkeys, hummingbirds, and a necklace with a dead hummingbird
  • The depiction of Kahlo's facial hair and unibrow, which challenged traditional beauty standards
  • The overall mood of the painting, which is somber and introspective


Self-Portrait at 28 has several advantages:

  • The painting is a masterpiece of art history and has inspired many artists
  • Kahlo's use of symbolism and personal narrative gives the artwork a deeper meaning
  • The painting explores themes of gender, identity, and survival that are still relevant today


However, Self-Portrait at 28 also has some drawbacks:

  • The painting is not accessible to everyone, as it is located in a museum and cannot be viewed online
  • Creating a painting requires time, skill, and resources that not everyone may have
  • The painting is limited to Kahlo's own expression and may not be easily adaptable or personalized

Comparison Table

Khan Academy Self-Portrait Self-Portrait at 28 by Frida Kahlo
Features Facial features, hair, glasses, background color Bright colors, personal symbols, depiction of facial hair
Pros User-friendly, free, educational Inspiring, meaningful, explores themes of gender and identity
Cons May limit artistic expression, interface may not be advanced enough, may lack aesthetic quality Not accessible to all, requires time, skill, and resources, limited to artist's personal expression


In conclusion, both the Khan Academy self-portrait code and Self-Portrait at 28 by Frida Kahlo offer unique and valuable experiences for creating a self-portrait. The code provides accessibility, customization, and an introduction to programming, while the painting offers inspiration, meaning, and a masterful example of art history. Ultimately, the choice between these two options depends on one's goals, interests, and skills. Regardless of which method is chosen, the act of creating a self-portrait is a meaningful and rewarding exercise in self-expression and creativity.

Tutorial: Creating your self-portrait using Khan Academy


Khan Academy is an online learning platform that provides free video tutorials and interactive exercises on various subjects, including computer programming. One of the most exciting aspects of Khan Academy is that it allows students to create their own personalized self-portraits using code.

Getting Started

To create a self-portrait, you will need to sign up for a Khan Academy account and navigate to the Computer programming section. Once there, select the Drawing Basics course, which covers the fundamental concepts of using computer code to create art.

Step 1: Setting Up the Canvas

The first step in creating your self-portrait is to define the size and position of the drawing canvas. You can use the createCanvas function to specify the width and height of the canvas in pixels, as well as any other properties you want to customize.


function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);

Step 2: Creating the Outline

Once you have set up the canvas, you can start drawing the outline of your self-portrait using shapes and lines. You can use the ellipse function to create circles and ovals, the rect function to draw rectangles and squares, and the line function to connect lines and edges within the portrait.


function draw() {
fill(255, 204, 0);
ellipse(200, 200, 200, 200);
rect(150, 150, 100, 50, 20);
line(150, 200, 250, 200);

Step 3: Adding Colors and Details

The final step in creating your self-portrait is to add colors and details to the outline. You can use the fill function to create solid or gradient fills within shapes, and the stroke function to change the color of the outline.


function draw() {
fill(255, 204, 0);
ellipse(200, 200, 200, 200);
ellipse(180, 180, 30, 30);
ellipse(220, 180, 30, 30);
curve(160, 230, 170, 200, 230, 200, 240, 230);

Tips and Tricks

- Use simple shapes and lines to create your self-portrait- Experiment with different colors and styles to make your portrait unique- Take inspiration from famous artists and their styles- Practice drawing different facial features and expressions


Creating a self-portrait using code is an exciting way to develop new skills in programming and digital art. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and experimenting with different techniques, you can create a unique and personalized self-portrait that showcases your creativity and technical abilities. Good luck and happy coding!

The Art of Self-Portraits: A Guide to Making Your Own with Khan Academy

Self-portraits have been around since the earliest moments of art. As an artist, making a self-portrait is often one of the most personal and intimate ways to depict oneself in the form of art. Through self-portraits, we can explore our creativity, identity, and emotions.

If you're looking to create your own self-portrait but don't know where to start, fear not. Khan Academy's self-portrait code offers an amazing opportunity to draw and create your very own unique self-portrait with a series of steps that are easy to follow.

In this article, we'll guide you through creating a self-portrait with Khan Academy and how you can use the platform to build your artistic skills and creativity.

Step 1: Sign up for Khan Academy

The first step in creating your self-portrait with Khan Academy is signing up for the website. Signing up is completely free and requires basic information like your name and an email address. Once you're registered, you'll have access to Khan Academy's wealth of resources, including their self-portrait code.

Step 2: Choose your tools

Before starting any artwork, it's important to determine what tools you'll be using. Whether you're working on paper or digital formats, it's essential to prepare the necessary tools beforehand. For the Khan Academy self-portrait code, a computer mouse or a graphic tablet would be ideal.

Step 3: Follow the instructions

Khan Academy's self-portrait code offers a series of straightforward instructions that take you through the creation process step by step. The instructions range from drawing the outline of your face to adding color and detailing your portrait. What's fantastic about Khan Academy's self-portrait code is that it incorporates lessons on art history, offering you a richer appreciation of the art form.

Step 4: Experiment with different styles and techniques

As you work through the self-portrait code, feel free to experiment with different styles and techniques. Use the given instructions as a foundation and add your own unique touches and flair. You can change colors, styles, and details to make your portrait as unique as you want.

Step 5: Embrace mistakes and imperfections

Creating self-portraits involves a lot of trial and error. Embrace the mistakes and imperfections you encounter along the way – they add character and personality to your artwork. You can use the opportunity to work around or incorporate these small imperfections into your overall portrait to make it even more impressive and interesting.

Step 6: Ask for feedback

Once you've completed your self-portrait, don't hesitate to ask others for feedback. Family, friends, or even your art teacher can lend a critical eye and provide valuable insights into your creation. Don't be afraid to listen to their advice and make changes where necessary.

Step 7: Practice, practice, practice

Self-portraiture is an acquired skill that requires patience and practice. As a new artist, it takes time to hone your craft and become more comfortable with the medium. Don't be discouraged by early failures; instead, practice consistently and seek out learning resources like Khan Academy's self-portrait code.


In conclusion, self-portraits offer a fantastic way to express yourself creatively while exploring your identity and emotions. With the help of Khan Academy's self-portrait code, creating a self-portrait has never been more accessible or straightforward. By following the instructions and embracing your personal touches, you can create an exceptional self-portrait that showcases your artistic skills and unique personality.

We hope that this guide has been helpful to you and that you feel inspired to start creating your own self-portraits. Remember, creativity knows no bounds – happy drawing!

People Also Ask About Khan Academy Self Portrait Code

What is the Khan Academy Self Portrait Code?

The Khan Academy Self Portrait Code is an interactive coding project that allows users to create a personalized self-portrait using JavaScript coding language. The project utilizes programming concepts like variables, functions, and loops to generate unique portraits.

How do I access the Khan Academy Self Portrait Code?

You can access the Self Portrait Code by visiting the Khan Academy website and navigating to the Computer Programming section. From there, search for Self-Portrait in the JavaScript programming language subsection, and you should find the project.

Do I need any coding experience to use the Self Portrait Code?

No prior coding experience is required to utilize the Self Portrait Code project, as it is designed with beginners in mind. However, some knowledge of basic programming concepts may be helpful.

What are some features of the Self Portrait Code project?

Some features of the Self Portrait Code include:

  1. Customizable facial features and colors
  2. Ability to add accessories like glasses and hats
  3. Option to animate the portrait with moving eyes or mouth
  4. A tutorial mode for beginners
  5. A gallery to showcase completed portraits

Can I share my completed self-portrait on social media?

Yes, the Self Portrait Code project allows users to share their creations on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. There is also a link generated for each portrait that can be shared via email or other messaging platforms.