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Unlock Your Musical Potential at Indiana University Summer String Academy 2021

Unlock Your Musical Potential at Indiana University Summer String Academy 2021

Are you a budding musician looking for an intensive summer program to hone your string skills? Look no further than the Indiana University Summer String Academy. With a top-notch faculty, rigorous curriculum, and exceptional performance opportunities, this program provides an unparalleled experience for young string players.

Founded in 1989, the Summer String Academy has established itself as one of the premier summer music programs in the country. Each year, talented students from around the world gather on the beautiful IU campus in Bloomington, Indiana to immerse themselves in a program designed to challenge and inspire.

But what sets the Summer String Academy apart from other music camps? For one, its faculty is made up of some of the most distinguished musicians in the world, including members of the Grammy-winning Pacifica Quartet and the renowned IU Jacobs School of Music faculty.

These faculty members bring decades of performance and teaching experience to bear on the program, offering students a comprehensive education in all aspects of string playing. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, there's always something new to learn at the Summer String Academy.

And speaking of learning, the curriculum at the Academy is both rigorous and varied. From private lessons and chamber music coaching to theory classes and masterclasses with guest artists, students are kept busy and engaged throughout the program.

But it's not all work and no play at the Summer String Academy! Students have ample opportunities to connect with their peers through social events, outings, and even a talent show. And with concerts taking place almost every night of the program, there's always an opportunity to hear some world-class performances.

Perhaps most importantly, the Summer String Academy prioritizes individual attention for its students. With a low student-to-faculty ratio, each student receives personalized attention and guidance throughout the program.

But don't just take our word for it – the proof is in the results. Graduates of the Summer String Academy have gone on to attend some of the most prestigious music schools in the world, win major competitions, and establish successful performance careers.

So if you're serious about taking your string playing to the next level, consider the Indiana University Summer String Academy. With its unparalleled faculty, rigorous curriculum, and exceptional performance opportunities, it's the perfect solution for young musicians looking to make their mark in the music world.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity – apply today to be part of the Summer String Academy experience!

Indiana University Summer String Academy: Advancing Your Music Skills

If you're a music enthusiast and you want to explore new opportunities to enhance your skills, the Indiana University Summer String Academy is something you should consider. Founded in 2016, this academy offers high-quality string intensive sessions that cater to motivated students who aim to improve their musical abilities.

The Academy's Vision and Mission

The Academy's primary goal is to promote music education by providing world-class training to young string players from all over the globe. They envision producing competent and skilled musicians who will make a significant impact in the music industry.

The academy also strives to offer students a comprehensive music program that focuses on technical and artistic development. They believe that cultivating creativity and self-expression through music plays an integral role in shaping one's character, discipline, and individuality.

Programs Offered

The Indiana University Summer String Academy provides various programs that cater to different skill levels and age groups. These include:

  • Pre-College Academy (for ages 12-18)
  • Young Artist Program (for ages 18-25)
  • Summer String Academy Adult Program (for ages 30+)

The pre-college academy is a two-week session that includes masterclasses, seminars, ensemble rehearsals, and private lessons with renowned faculty members from the Jacobs School of Music. The young artist program exposes students to advanced level playing, chamber music, and orchestral repertoire. Meanwhile, the adult program offers private lessons, masterclasses, and ensemble playing for adults who wish to advance their string-playing skills.

The Faculty and Instructors

The Indiana University Summer String Academy only hires the best faculty members from the esteemed Jacobs School of Music. Many of them are highly regarded professionals in the music world, having performed with well-known orchestras, chamber groups, and soloists. Their faculty members include:

  • Stephen Wyrczynski
  • Mark Kaplan
  • Brendan Shea
  • Kathryn Lockwood
  • Nicole Folland

The academy also invites experienced string educators to contribute their knowledge and expertise in teaching young musicians.

Good Facilities for Music Training

The Indiana University Summer String Academy is housed in Indiana University's Jacobs School of Music on the beautiful Bloomington campus. Students can experience the buzz of the campus and the city's culture while immersing themselves in intense music training.

The school boasts state-of-the-art music facilities where students can take advantage of modern practice rooms, performance spaces, and recording studios. The academy provides housing and meal plans for the students to ensure a comfortable and conducive learning experience.

The Benefits of Attending the Indiana University Summer String Academy

The academy offers numerous benefits to students who participate in their programs. Here are a few:

  • Top-notch education from respected faculty members and professional educators
  • Intensive training that improves technique, musicianship and builds confidence
  • Networking opportunities with like-minded music enthusiasts and professors
  • Chance to perform at the end-of-session concerts and get invaluable feedback from accomplished musicians
  • Possibility to earn college credits (young artist program only)


The Indiana University Summer String Academy is an enriching experience for those seeking to advance their skills and learn from the best. The academy's commitment to promoting musical education reflects in its programs, excellent facilities, dedicated faculty, and instructors.

By participating in one of their programs, students receive education from world-class music professionals while gaining valuable experience, connections, and knowledge that are vital in shaping their musical careers.

Indiana University Summer String Academy vs other string academies: A detailed comparison


Indiana University Summer String Academy is one of the most popular music programs in the country. It provides young musicians with an opportunity to study with some of the best teachers and performers in the field of string playing. However, it is not the only summer music program focused on string instruments available. In this article, we will compare Indiana University Summer String Academy with other prominent string academies to help you make an informed decision if you are considering a summer music program.


The faculty is the heart of any music program, and there is no exception here. Indiana University Summer String Academy has a great roster of veteran musicians, including members of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, who are also accomplished educators. Unlike some other music programs, where the faculty members may not all be experts in the same field, Indiana University Summer String Academy faculty members have years of experience teaching young musicians, and they excel in creating an engaging learning environment.

Indiana University Summer String Academy Faculty:

Name Instrument Experience
Mimi Zweig Violin 40+ years
Brenda Brenner Violin 35+ years
Seng-Hyen Park Viola 20+ years
Emilio Celario Cello 35+ years

Other Summer String Academies Faculty:

Some of the highly regarded Music Programs such as the Bowdoin International Music Festival and Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival boasts world-class faculty members, including members of acclaimed orchestras. However, some string programs may pay lesser not so experienced teachers.

Curriculum and intensiveness of the Programs

Indiana University Summer String Academy is a four-week program designed for young musicians who aspire to professional music careers. The curriculum is intensive and helps young students develop the technical skills they need to excel as musicians. There is an emphasis on developing proper technique, tone quality, and musicianship, which are essential to becoming a successful musician.

Indiana University Summer String Academy Curriculum:

The summer music camp gives special focus to improving playing abilities. Students participate in a range of activities including one-on-one instruction, ensemble playing, practice sessions, masterclasses, and concerts. There are also classes that concentrate only on technique development.

Program Sizes:

Most of the major music programs like Interlochen Arts Camp and Tanglewood Music Festival have significantly large class sizes compared to Indiana University Summer String Academy. The largest summer string camps may contain as many as 500+ students while some smaller programs might have only about 50–75 students mainly consisting of a certain age or playing proficiency.

Comparing Regular and Advanced Programs:

Younger students with less musical expertise can choose from various beginner programs that offer a focus on fundamentals before advancing. Both intermediate and advanced programs are offered by most of these music camps, depending on the level of student’s confidence and experience with students given the opportunity to audition for positions in auditioned ensembles or explore world-renowned chamber music.


Another critical factor to consider when choosing a summer program is the facilities available. Indiana University has a beautiful campus, and the String Academy students get to enjoy state-of-the-art practice rooms and performance halls. The art-filled campus provides students an excellent environment that typifies the music academy experience.

Indiana University Summer String Academy Facilities:

IU provides students with the latest technology practice rooms; they are well equipped with recording material for student’s personal use. Performance and masterclass spaces within the Jacobs School of Music with a complete range of pianos are also provided.


Most summer music programs offer lodging facilities, which ensure that students can stay on-campus or at nearby hotels. Dorms, apartments, and condos are provided in large summertime camps such as the Boston University Tanglewood Institute and the Interlochen Center for the Arts. In smaller camps, students are accommodated in local housing around the venue, while host families accommodate some.

Cost of Attendance

Cost availability is one of the most significant factors that determine which program you choose. Here is a breakdown of cost differences between Indiana University Summer String Academy and other popular summer string programs.

Indiana University Summer String Academy:

The attendance cost for 2021 was approximately $3365 non-refundable

Bowdoin International Music Festival:

A participant must be prepared to pay approximately $6000-$10,000 for the entire program, including tuition fees, residence status, and meal plans made non-refundable under any situation.

Tanglewood Music Festival:

Students attending this institute’s summer program are required to pay $7,000-$11,000, covering full-time tuition fees, room, and board.

Student Experience

While all of the factors mentioned above are central to the success of a summer music program, nothing beats first-hand experiences. In reviews concerning Indiana University Summer String Academy on several platforms such as Facebook, students have expressed that the summer program offers an atmosphere that encourages excellence, creativity, and improvement. On interacting with other students within the academy, they have demonstrated progress from the rigorous daily music curriculum offered by the institution.Conclusion:: Indiana University Summer String Academy all things considered is a fulfilling summer program for young string players looking to further upgrade their abilities in quality facilities, strong learning environment, and world-class faculty. In comparison to some of the larger music programs, there may be more limited opportunities for socializing and bonding over music with fellow students, but this allows you to focus mainly on your goals to become a better musician. Attending these summer sessions, especially one like Indiana University’s Summer String Academy, will introduce and expose students to the next level of musical education and stimulating performance with their peers, inspiring an undying love for music.

Indiana University Summer String Academy: Tips and Tutorials


The Indiana University Summer String Academy is an excellent summer program for students who want to advance their string skills and explore various repertoire. It is a one-week summer camp that offers individualized coaching for each student, masterclasses, and performances. Here are some tips and tutorials to help you make the most of your experience at the Indiana University Summer String Academy.

Tip #1: Practice Before You Arrive

Before you arrive for your week at the Indiana University Summer String Academy, take the time to practice your pieces. This will help you feel prepared and confident for the coaching sessions and masterclasses. Make sure you are comfortable with the fingerings, bowings, and tempo of your pieces.

Tip #2: Bring the Right Gear

Make sure you bring all the necessary gear for your instrument. This includes extra strings, rosin, a shoulder rest or sponge, and any other equipment you may need. It's also a good idea to bring a music stand and a pencil for taking notes during the lessons.

Tip #3: Attend All of the Masterclasses and Performances

The masterclasses and performances are an essential part of the Indiana University Summer String Academy experience. They allow you to learn from and be inspired by other talented musicians. Attend as many of these events as possible and take notes on what you learned.

Tutorial #1: How to Improve Your Bowing Technique

Bowing technique is vital for any string player. Here are some tips on how to improve your bowing technique:1. Start with open strings. Play long, smooth bows on each open string and focus on your tone quality.2. Practice using different parts of the bow. Experiment with playing at the tip, middle, and frog of the bow to explore different tones.3. Focus on your bow grip. Make sure your grip is relaxed and comfortable, with your thumb resting lightly on the frog.4. Work on your bow arm motion. Your bow arm should be smooth and fluid, with no tension or jerky movements.5. Practice bowing in different styles. Try playing with legato, staccato, and spiccato bowing styles to gain more control over your bow.

Tutorial #2: How to Prepare for a Performance

Performances are nerve-wracking, but proper preparation can help ease your anxiety. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a performance:1. Practice consistently. Make sure to practice your pieces daily leading up to the performance.2. Record yourself playing. Recording yourself playing your pieces can help you identify areas that need work.3. Mental preparation. Involve mental preparation. Visualize ends well, be confident and positive, and envision yourself playing as if you're already performing to ease your nerves.4. Dress appropriately. Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing for the performance.5. Warm-up before you play. Do some breathing exercises and stretches to warm up your muscles before you begin playing.


The Indiana University Summer String Academy is an incredible opportunity to progress in your string skills. With these tips and tutorials, you'll be able to prepare for the program and make the most of your experience. Remember, practice, bring the right gear, attend all the events, and focus on your technical parts. These will help you achieve your goals and positively impact your future musical journey.

Discover and Explore the Art of String Instruments at Indiana University Summer String Academy

Indiana University Summer String Academy is a two-week program that offers an intensive learning experience for young musicians who want to explore the world of string instruments. In this program, students aged 12-18 will have the opportunity to gain access to world-class instructors, masterclasses, performances, and attend workshops that will enhance their skills and knowledge in string music.

Located on the beautiful campus of Indiana University Bloomington, the program serves as an excellent platform for students to hone their craft while enjoying an immersive college experience. More than just honing musical abilities, the program aims to foster camaraderie among fellow musicians and enhance their overall development as people.

The academy accepts violin, viola, cello, and bass players at all skill levels - beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The instructors at the academy range from IU faculty members, distinguished guest teachers, and talented chamber musicians who will impart their knowledge and expertise to the budding musicians.

Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to perform with the Academy Chamber Orchestra or one of the smaller ensembles, under the guidance of esteemed instructors. The performance opportunity is an excellent platform to apply what they learned and showcase their talents.

The daily schedule at the academy is rigorous but fulfilling. Each day begins with warm-up exercises, followed by group and private lessons. Students also attend masterclasses, seminars, and workshops where they learn about music theory, history, and performance practices.

The academy also includes various social activities like talent shows, games, movie nights, and other events that contribute to the overall social development of the students. Additionally, excursions are part of the program where students can explore and experience the beautiful city of Bloomington.

The cost of the academy is inclusive of tuition, room, and board - providing a streamlined experience for parents. Scholarships are available for deserving students based on merit and financial needs.

The academy aims to provide an immersive learning experience for young musicians - whether they plan to pursue their craft professionally or as hobbyists. By fostering a love for music and excellence in performance, the academy creates a nurturing environment that's both challenging and rewarding.

In conclusion, Indiana University Summer String Academy is an excellent opportunity for young musicians looking to take their skills to the next level. With access to world-class instructors, a rigorous and fulfilling schedule, and a nurturing and supportive environment, students will have an enriching experience that will help them grow as musicians and individuals.

Indiana University Summer String Academy is now accepting applications for the upcoming summer programs. For more information about the program, including requirements and fees, visit the official website today.

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to develop your musical abilities, make new friends and have a memorable summer experience!

People Also Ask About Indiana University Summer String Academy

What is Indiana University Summer String Academy?

Indiana University Summer String Academy is a music camp for talented young string players. It provides an intensive program of study that aims to develop and enhance students' musical skills in a supportive and focused environment.

Who can attend?

The program is open to students in grades 7-12 who have achieved a high level of proficiency on a string instrument (violin, viola, cello, double bass). Students must audition to be accepted into the program.

What types of classes are offered?

Students participate in chamber music ensembles, orchestra, technique classes, and masterclasses with distinguished faculty from the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University. They also have the opportunity to attend concerts and workshops with guest artists.

Where is the program held?

The program takes place on the campus of Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Housing is provided in university dormitories, and meals are provided in campus dining halls.

When is the program held?

The program is held annually during the second week of June.

Are there scholarships available?

Yes, partial and full scholarships are available to qualified students based on financial need and merit. Students must submit a separate scholarship application along with their audition materials.

What are the benefits of attending?

  • Intensive instruction from world-renowned faculty members
  • Opportunities to perform in public and receive feedback from experts
  • Numerous performance opportunities both within the academy and in the community
  • Opportunities to connect with talented peers from around the world
  • A chance to explore the beautiful IU campus and surrounding area
  • Possible pathway to college and career in the music field.

If you're a young string player looking for a challenging and rewarding summer music program, Indiana University Summer String Academy might be the perfect fit for you. Apply now and unlock your musical potential!