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Discover the Top-Rated Tekoa Academy in Port Arthur TX - Empowering 21st Century Learning

Discover the Top-Rated Tekoa Academy in Port Arthur TX - Empowering 21st Century Learning

Tekoa Academy in Port Arthur, Tx is an educational institution that has been creating an impact on the lives of many students. The school focuses on providing a student-centered and personalized learning environment with innovative teaching methods to support student achievement.

Are you looking for a school where your child can grow academically and as an individual? Tekoa Academy might just be the solution you need!

With small classroom sizes, every student is given the attention they need to thrive. This means teachers can tailor lessons to the specific needs of each student, helping them to excel in their studies.

Did you know that Tekoa Academy has a 100% graduation rate? That's right; every student who completes their high school education at Tekoa Academy graduates with a diploma, ready to take on the world!

The school also takes pride in offering a vast range of extracurricular activities, including athletics, music, drama, and art. These programs help to ensure students are receiving a well-rounded education that not only focuses on academics but also on personal growth and development.

At Tekoa Academy, the safety and security of the students come first. Measures have been put in place to ensure the campus is safe and conducive for learning. With a controlled access system, visitors are only allowed after screening, ensuring every student is protected.

Are you worried about the quality of education your child will receive at Tekoa Academy? You don't have to be! The school employs highly trained and experienced educators who are dedicated to helping students reach their full potential.

Furthermore, Tekoa Academy uses a rigorous curriculum that complies with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) set by the Texas Education Agency. This guarantees that students are receiving an education that aligns with the state's standards.

When it comes to accessibility, Tekoa Academy is located in a prime location. The school has a central location, easily accessible from both sides of Port Arthur, ensuring that students from all parts of the city can attend.

Incorporating innovative teaching methods and technology, Tekoa Academy makes learning fun and interactive. Students benefit from modern technologies, including a computer lab, digital classrooms, and online resources that support their academic growth.

Do you want your child to receive personalized attention, excellent education, and ample opportunities for personal growth? Then Tekoa Academy is the answer! With its record of success, you can be confident that your child will excel in their academic and personal life.

To learn more about Tekoa Academy and how it can be the solution you need for your child's education, visit the school's website or schedule a campus visit today!

Tekoa Academy in Port Arthur, TX has been a beacon of hope and opportunity for students in the area since its establishment. With a focus on academic excellence, character building, and community involvement, Tekoa Academy is dedicated to helping students achieve success in all aspects of life.

The History of Tekoa Academy

Tekoa Academy was established in 2001 by founder Dr. Wanda G. Bamberg. Originally serving as a homeschool resource center, Dr. Bamberg saw the need for a school that focused on character development, academic excellence, and community service. Over the years, Tekoa Academy has grown and expanded, offering students in the Port Arthur area a chance to receive a quality education and prepare for their future.

The Curriculum at Tekoa Academy

At Tekoa Academy, the curriculum is designed to challenge students and help them reach their full potential. From elementary to high school, students are taught critical thinking skills, problem-solving, and effective communication. The school also offers a range of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, and drama, to help students develop their interests and talents.

The Importance of Character at Tekoa Academy

One of the unique aspects of Tekoa Academy is the focus on character building. The school encourages students to develop positive values such as honesty, integrity, responsibility, and respect. These values are reinforced through various activities, projects, and community service opportunities that teach students the importance of giving back and making a difference in the world.

The Role of Community Involvement at Tekoa Academy

Tekoa Academy recognizes the importance of community involvement in the lives of its students. As such, the school encourages students to participate in various community service projects throughout the year. Students have worked on projects such as cleaning up waterways, feeding the homeless, and providing assistance to those in need.

The Benefits of Attending Tekoa Academy

There are many benefits to attending Tekoa Academy. The small class sizes allow for personalized attention and a more individualized learning experience. The focus on character building helps students develop positive values that will serve them well throughout their lives. The community service opportunities provide students with a chance to make a difference in their community while developing leadership skills.

The Faculty at Tekoa Academy

The faculty at Tekoa Academy is made up of experienced educators who are dedicated to helping students achieve success. They are committed to providing a nurturing environment that encourages students to reach their full potential. Teachers work with students both in and out of the classroom to ensure understanding and mastery of subject matter.

The Facilities at Tekoa Academy

Tekoa Academy features modern facilities that are designed to meet the needs of students. The classrooms are equipped with the latest technology to enhance the learning experience. The school also features a state-of-the-art gymnasium, a library, and outdoor recreational areas for sports and activities.

Admissions at Tekoa Academy

Admissions to Tekoa Academy are open to all students, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background. The school welcomes students who are committed to academic excellence and community involvement. Students are admitted based on their academic record, character, and a desire to learn and grow.

The Future of Tekoa Academy

Tekoa Academy continues to look towards the future, striving to provide students with an exceptional education and opportunities for growth and development. The school is committed to building partnerships with the community to provide students with access to resources and opportunities beyond the classroom.


Overall, Tekoa Academy is a unique and special school that provides an exceptional education and a focus on developing positive values in its students. If you are looking for a school that is committed to academic excellence, community involvement, and character development, Tekoa Academy should be at the top of your list.

Comparison between Tekoa Academy Port Arthur TX


Public school systems have always been struggling to provide high-quality education at an affordable cost. In recent years, there has been a rise in the charter schools that are privately run schools but receive funding from the state. The focus here is on Tekoa Academy Port Arthur TX, which is one such charter school, and the comparison between the academy and traditional public schools.

The School Setup – Classroom Size and Number of Students

Classroom size matters when it comes to effective student-teacher interaction. Traditional public schools have an average classroom size of about 23 students in elementary and up to 35 in high school, which can impact individual attention. On the other hand, Tekoa Academy has a small student body of about 200 students, and the ratio of staff to students is about 1:16. This fact facilitates engagement with teachers and stronger mentoring relationships.

Curriculum and Instruction Techniques

Tekoa Academy's curriculum is designed to cater to students' individual needs. They use extensive research in creating instructional modules that enable students to master the fundamental concepts. This approach is a significant departure from the one-size-fits-all approach in traditional public schools, where teachers have to follow established state curriculums.

Student Admission Policy

Traditional public schools do not have stringent admission policies. They are required by law to accept all students who reside in their district. On the other hand, Tekoa Academy's admission policy is selective, and students are admitted based on merit and available space in the school. For example, only 33% of applicants were accepted in the year 2021.

Test Scores and Graduation Rates

Test scores and graduation rates are, arguably, the most important measure of a school's effectiveness. Tekoa Academy has consistently performed better than traditional public schools in Texas. For instance, in the 2018-2019 academic year, 88% of Tekoa Academy students were proficient in Reading and 83% in Math tests as opposed to 78% and 71% in traditional public school systems.

School Safety

School safety is a subject of increasing concern among parents. In traditional public schools, security measures are standardized, but in Tekoa Academy, measures such as the use of metal detectors, drug searches, and identification checks are implemented to ensure student safety and a safe learning environment.

Classroom Technology

Technology plays a crucial role in enhancing learning opportunities. Traditional public schools have embraced technology, but budgetary constraints can significantly limit access to advanced classroom technology, whereas Tekoa Academy uses every effort to provide state-of-the-art technologies in their classrooms.

Facility Maintenance

The maintenance of facilities is crucial in ensuring high-quality education. Traditional public schools often face financial constraints that can affect infrastructure maintenance, affecting the learning environment's overall quality. In contrast, Tekoa Academy has fewer infrastructures, but maintenance remains consistent in facilities used by students to facilitate their studies.

Athletic and Extracurricular Opportunities

Traditionally, sports and extracurricular activities contribute to building one's sense of community, belongingness, and character. In Texas, public-school systems tend to offer a greater variety of these programs than charter schools. Nevertheless, at Tekoa Academy, students participate in organized sports and clubs at the same level as with other traditional schools.

Tuition and Fees

The cost of tuition and fees vary significantly between traditional public schools and charter schools. Traditional public schools are free, with fees covered through federal, state, and local taxes, and charter schools receive a portion of these funds to cover their expenses. Tekoa Academy is a tuition-free school. However, they earn a per-student allocation from the state, but they are still dependent on donations to fund their other programs.


In conclusion, there are pros and cons to both traditional public schools and charter schools like Tekoa Academy Port Arthur TX. Overall, it is essential to note that charter schools cater to individual students' needs more effectively. They use an innovative approach in delivering education and have consistently been shown to provide better test results and graduation rates than traditional public schools. However, the question of affordability should be acknowledged when considering charter schools and their student admission policies. Ultimately, the best-fit decision lies in consideration of each child's unique educational needs and opportunities available through the schools under consideration.

Tekoa Academy: A Comprehensive Guide to the Benefits and Features in Port Arthur, TX

When it comes to choosing a school for your child, you need quality education that offers your child all-round development – academic, social, and emotional. That’s exactly what Tekoa Academy in Port Arthur, TX, offers. Tekoa Academy is a charter school that is committed to providing educational excellence and resources to enhance the lives of its students. In this article, we’ll explore all the benefits and features that set Tekoa Academy apart from other schools in the region.

Smaller Class Sizes

One of the most significant advantages of attending Tekoa Academy is that class sizes are smaller than average. This allows teachers to give more individual attention to students, tailoring their teaching approaches to meet each student's particular learning style. Smaller classes mean a more personalized and dynamic learning experience, with teachers able to focus on specific strengths and weaknesses of each student.

High-Quality Instruction

Tekoa Academy places a high emphasis on delivering high-quality instruction to its students. The school curriculum is aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards and regularly updated to meet the changing needs of the 21st-century workforce. Teachers are highly trained and teach using research-based methods that have been proven to enhance student learning.

College Readiness

Tekoa Academy is committed to preparing its students for successful college experiences. Students are exposed to rigorous coursework, advanced math and science programs, and extensive extracurricular activities. The school partners with colleges and universities to provide college counseling services and offers dual credit courses to qualifying students who take college courses while still in high school.

Technology Integration

Tekoa Academy continually strives to integrate technology into all areas of the curriculum. All classrooms are equipped with modern learning tools, such as interactive whiteboards, desktop computers, and tablets, which provide students with the necessary exposure to technology. This not only prepares them for the future workplace but also ensures they stay competitive in the digital world.

Positive School Culture

Tekoa Academy is dedicated to creating a positive learning environment that fosters respect, responsibility, and integrity. The school provides a safe and inclusive atmosphere where every student feels welcome and valued. Teachers model positive behavior by serving as role models and consistently reinforcing core values both inside and outside the classroom.

Community and Parental Involvement

Tekoa Academy recognizes the importance of the community and parental involvement in students' success. The school continually seeks ways to engage with parents, encouraging them to attend monthly meetings, volunteer at school events, and share their skills and expertise. Involving parents and community members in the educational process has been shown to have significant benefits for both students and teachers.

Extracurricular Activities

Beyond academics, Tekoa Academy offers an extensive list of extracurricular activities to enhance student life. These activities are designed to promote teamwork, creativity, and leadership skills and include sports, music programs, drama programs, and clubs.

Special Education Services

Tekoa Academy provides special education services to eligible students. The special education department is composed of certified and highly trained staff who utilize research-based strategies, accommodations, and modifications in scheduled instruction to best meet student individual needs. These services include, but are not limited to specialized instruction, assessments, and accommodations.

Career and Technical Education Programs

Tekoa Academy's career and technical education programs prepare students for employment opportunities in a variety of trades. These programs expose students to real-world experiences through job shadows, internships, and practicums. CTE program offerings include health science, welding, business and information technology, automotive and more.

Strong Academics and Results

Since its inception, Tekoa Academy has had many successes academically, with its students consistently scoring higher than the state average on standardized tests. Its graduates have gone on to attend top colleges and universities, gain employment in various trades, or serve in the military.In conclusion, Tekoa Academy in Port Arthur, TX, provides quality education, personalized attention, and a positive school culture that sets it apart from other schools in the region. Attending Tekoa Academy will undoubtedly put your child on track for success in the classroom, on the collegiate level and beyond.

Discover the Perks of Tekoa Academy in Port Arthur TX

Have you been searching for a comfortable and engaging learning experience for your child? Look no further than Tekoa Academy, located in Port Arthur TX! We are dedicated to providing excellent education opportunities for every student, regardless of their background or learning abilities. Our programs cater to all grade levels- from kindergarten to high school, incorporating a balance of interactive classroom lessons, tech-based teaching, and practical experiences.

What sets us apart is that we place great emphasis on the character development of our students. We believe that apart from academic knowledge, students must be equipped with social skills, confidence, and good morals. This way, they become well-rounded individuals better suited to cope with difficulties that life may offer. Our staff consists of experienced and passionate teachers who go above and beyond to ensure that each child gets the best out of their time at Tekoa Academy.

We recognize that students learn differently and require different approaches to achieve academic success. This understanding has led us to design a flexible academic syllabus tailored to meet individual student needs. Our team works closely with parents and students to create a personalized learning plan that stimulates their strengths and vision for success in their chosen field.

Moreover, we understand that children spend a significant amount of time in school, so it is essential to provide an environment that feels like home. At Tekoa Academy, we have created a vibrant and welcoming space, where students can relax, have access to healthy meals, and stay active. Our extracurricular activities encompass a variety of interests, from art to sports, music, and drama, promoting socialization and teamwork among the students.

As a charter school, we operate under the regulations set by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), guaranteeing that our educational practices meet the state's high educational standards. We pride ourselves on holding ourselves accountable to these regulations and maintaining an open line of communication with our parents and stakeholders who trust us to educate their children.

At Tekoa Academy, we believe in empowering our students to take the lead in their learning. This way, they learn to identify their strengths and work towards overcoming their weaknesses, taking ownership of their personal, academic, and future goals. Our team ensures that every student receives personalized attention and support, always keeping in touch with our parents to update them on our student's progress.

We offer a wide range of services and resources, including counseling services, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and special education programs aimed at helping students achieve their full potential. Parents can rest assured that Tekoa Academy is committed to providing quality education for all students.

We are dedicated to preparing our students for the challenges of tomorrow, equipping them with skills to thrive in various aspects of life successfully. Our alumni have graduated equipped to attend top universities, excel in their careers, and impact society positively. At Tekoa Academy, we ensure that our students are more than just academically prepared. We believe in creating contributing members of society who hold themselves to high standards of excellence.

In conclusion, if you are searching for a safe and nurturing environment for your child's growth and development, come to Tekoa Academy in Port Arthur TX. We pride ourselves on providing diverse and engaging learning experiences tailored to meet individual student needs. Join us as we ignite a passion for learning and set your child up for future success.

Thank you for considering Tekoa Academy for your child's education. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

People Also Ask about Tekoa Academy Port Arthur TX

What is Tekoa Academy Port Arthur TX?

Tekoa Academy is a public charter school located in Port Arthur, Texas. It serves students from kindergarten through grade 8 and follows a Montessori-style educational approach.

What is the Montessori approach?

The Montessori approach is a child-centered educational approach that emphasizes independent learning, freedom within limits, and exploration through hands-on activities. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and pace.

What is the student to teacher ratio at Tekoa Academy?

The student to teacher ratio at Tekoa Academy is 18:1, which is lower than the average ratio for schools in Texas.

Is Tekoa Academy a tuition-free school?

Yes, Tekoa Academy is a tuition-free public charter school and education is offered free of charge to all students within the state of Texas.

What extracurricular activities does Tekoa Academy offer?

Tekoa Academy offers a range of extracurricular activities such as basketball, cheerleading, robotics, and art club. The school also has a student council where students can get involved in decision-making for the school.

What is the enrollment process for Tekoa Academy?

To enroll in Tekoa Academy, parents or guardians need to complete an application form and attend an interview with the school's administration. Students are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to siblings of current students.

Does Tekoa Academy offer transportation services?

No, Tekoa Academy does not offer transportation services. However, the school is located near public transportation routes for the convenience of students and parents.

What is the dress code policy at Tekoa Academy?

The dress code policy at Tekoa Academy requires students to wear a uniform consisting of khaki or navy pants, skirts, or shorts with a polo shirt in a solid color. Students are also allowed to wear school spirit wear on Fridays.